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The Chiropractic Vertebral Subluxation Part 1

By |April 19, 2019|Subluxation|

The Chiropractic Vertebral Subluxation Part 1: Introduction

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   J Chiropractic Humanities 2018 (Dec); 25: 146–168

Simon A.Senzon, MA, DC

School of Health and Human Sciences,
Southern Cross University,
Lismore, New South Wales, Australia.

Objective   The objective of this article is to present a rationale for the need of a history of chiropractic vertebral subluxation (CVS) theory based on primary sources.

Discussion   There is a dichotomy in the chiropractic profession around subluxation terminology, which has many facets. The literature around this topic spans social, economic, cultural, and scientific questions. By developing a rationale for a historical perspective of CVS theory, including the tracking of the historical development of ideas throughout the profession, a foundation for future discourse may emerge.

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The Chiropractic Vertebral Subluxation Part 10

By |April 16, 2019|Subluxation|

The Chiropractic Vertebral Subluxation Part 10:
Integrative and Critical Literature From 1996 and 1997

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   J Chiropractic Humanities 2018 (Dec);   25:   146–168

Simon A.Senzon, MA, DC

School of Health and Human Sciences,
Southern Cross University,
Lismore, New South Wales, Australia.

Objective   The purpose of this paper is to review and discuss the history of chiropractic vertebral subluxation (CVS) during 1996 and 1997. The literature during this period offered critical and integrative models emphasized by a need for research into operational and functional definitions.

Discussion   Several integrative approaches emerged, from Rome’s 296 synonyms to Bergman’s Pain/Tenderness, Asymmetry/Alignment, Range of Motion Abnormality, Tissue Tone, Texture, Temperature Abnormality, and Special Tests (PARTS) analysis adopted by the profession in the United States. Other noteworthy contributions included Ruch’s Atlas of Common Subluxations, Epstein’s introduction of network spinal analysis, and Kent’s review of CVS models. Boone’s introduction of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research was accompanied by his 3-part model with Dobson. These years also included the paradigm statement of the Association of Chiropractic Colleges, which was adopted by the American Chiropractic Association, International Chiropractors Association, and World Federation of Chiropractic. Two other papers included Nelson’s critique of the CVS paradigm and Keating’s 1996 “Hunt for the Subluxation.”

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The Influence of Neck Pain on Sensorimotor Function in the Elderly

By |January 28, 2019|Neurology, Subluxation|

The Influence of Neck Pain on Sensorimotor Function in the Elderly

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2012 (Nov); 55 (3): 667–672

Sureeporn Uthaikhup, Gwendolen Jull, Somporn Sungkarat, Julia Treleaven

Department of Physical Therapy,
Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences,
Chiang Mai University,

Greater disturbances in sensorimotor control have been demonstrated in younger to middle aged groups. However, it is unknown whether or not the impairments documented in these populations can be extrapolated to elders with neck pain. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of neck pain on sensorimotor function in elders. Twenty elders with neck pain (12 women and 8 men) and 20 healthy elder controls (14 women and 6 men) aged 65 years and over were recruited from the general community. Tests for sensorimotor function included; cervical joint position sense (JPS); computerised rod-and-frame test (RFT); smooth pursuit neck torsion test (SPNT); standing balance (under conditions of eyes open, eyes closed on firm and soft surfaces in comfortable stance); step test and ten-meter walk test with and without head movement.

Elders with neck pain had greater deficits in the majority of sensorimotor function tests after controlling for effects of age and comorbidities. Significant differences were found in the SPNT (p<0.01), error in the RFT (frame angled at 10° and 15° anticlockwise) (p<0.05), standing balance (amplitude of sway) – eyes open on a firm surface in the medio-lateral (ML) direction (p=0.03), and total number of steps on the step test, both left and right sides (p<0.01).

Elders with neck pain have greater sensorimotor disturbances than elders without neck pain, supporting a contribution of altered afferent information originating from the cervical spine to such disturbances. The findings may inform falls prevention and management programs.

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Interexaminer Reliability of Cervical Motion Palpation

By |January 10, 2019|Subluxation|

Interexaminer Reliability of Cervical Motion Palpation Using Continuous Measures and Rater Confidence Levels

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2013 (Jun); 57 (2): 156–164

Robert Cooperstein, MA, DC, Morgan Young, DC, and Michael Haneline, DC, MPH

Palmer Center for Chiropractic Research,
San Jose, CA, USA.

INTRODUCTION:   Motion palpators usually rate the movement of each spinal level palpated, and their reliability is assessed based upon discrete paired observations. We hypothesized that asking motion palpators to identify the most fixated cervical spinal level to allow calculating reliability at the group level might be a useful alternative approach.

METHODS:   Three examiners palpated 29 asymptomatic supine participants for cervical joint hypomobility. The location of identified hypomobile sites was based on their distance from the T1 spinous process. Interexaminer concordance was estimated by calculating Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and mean absolute differences (MAD) values, stratified by degree of examiner confidence.

RESULTS:   For the entire participant pool, ICC [2,1] = 0.61, judged “good.” MAD=1.35 cm, corresponding to mean interexaminer differences of about 75% of one cervical vertebral level. Stratification by examiner confidence levels resulted in small subgroups with equivocal results.

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A Hypothesis of Chronic Back Pain

By |July 8, 2018|Neurology, Subluxation|

A Hypothesis of Chronic Back Pain: Ligament Subfailure Injuries Lead to Muscle Control Dysfunction

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   European Spine Journal 2006 (May); 15 (5): 668–676

Manohar M. Panjabi

Biomechanics Research Laboratory,
Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation,
Yale University School of Medicine,
New Haven, CT 06520-8071, USA.

Clinical reports and research studies have documented the behavior of chronic low back and neck pain patients. A few hypotheses have attempted to explain these varied clinical and research findings. A new hypothesis, based upon the concept that subfailure injuries of ligaments (spinal ligaments, disc annulus and facet capsules) may cause chronic back pain due to muscle control dysfunction, is presented. The hypothesis has the following sequential steps. Single trauma or cumulative microtrauma causes subfailure injuries of the ligaments and embedded mechanoreceptors. The injured mechanoreceptors generate corrupted transducer signals, which lead to corrupted muscle response pattern produced by the neuromuscular control unit.

Muscle coordination and individual muscle force characteristics, i.e. onset, magnitude, and shut-off, are disrupted. This results in abnormal stresses and strains in the ligaments, mechanoreceptors and muscles, and excessive loading of the facet joints. Due to inherently poor healing of spinal ligaments, accelerated degeneration of disc and facet joints may occur. The abnormal conditions may persist, and, over time, may lead to chronic back pain via inflammation of neural tissues. The hypothesis explains many of the clinical observations and research findings about the back pain patients. The hypothesis may help in a better understanding of chronic low back and neck pain patients, and in improved clinical management.

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The Role of Spinal Manipulation in Addressing Disordered Sensorimotor Integration

By |May 4, 2018|Subluxation|

The Role of Spinal Manipulation in Addressing Disordered Sensorimotor Integration and Altered Motor Control

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2012 (Oct); 22 (5): 768–776

Heidi Haavik, Bernadette Murphy

New Zealand College of Chiropractic,
Auckland, New Zealand.

This review provides an overview of some of the growing body of research on the effects of spinal manipulation on sensory processing, motor output, functional performance and sensorimotor integration. It describes a body of work using somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs), transcranial magnetic nerve stimulation, and electromyographic techniques to demonstrate neurophysiological changes following spinal manipulation. This work contributes to the understanding of how an initial episode(s) of back or neck pain may lead to ongoing changes in input from the spine which over time lead to altered sensorimotor integration of input from the spine and limbs.

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Over the past 15 years our research group has conducted a variety of human experiments that have added to our understanding of the central neural plastic effects of manual spinal manipulation (Haavik and Murphy, 2011; Haavik-Taylor and Murphy, 2007a,b, 2008, 2010c; Haavik-Taylor et al., 2010; Marshall and Murphy, 2006). Spinal manipulation is used therapeutically by a number of health professionals, all of whom have different terminology for the ‘‘entity’’ that they manipulate. This ‘‘entity’’ which generally describes areas of muscle tightness, tenderness and restricted movement may be called a ‘‘vertebral (spinal) lesion’’ by physical medicine specialists or physiotherapists, ‘‘somatic dysfunction’’ or ‘‘spinal lesion’’ by osteopaths, and ‘‘vertebral subluxation’’ or ‘‘spinal fixation’’ by chiropractors (Leach, 1986). For the purposes of this article, the ‘‘manipulable lesion’’ will be referred to as an area of spinal dysfunction or joint dysfunction. Joint dysfunction as discussed in the literature ranges from experimentally induced joint effusion (Shakespeare et al., 1985), pathological joint disease such as osteoarthritis (O’Connor et al., 1993) as well as the more subtle functional alterations that are commonly treated by manipulative therapists (Suter et al., 1999, 2000).

Figure 1

Based on our research findings we have proposed that areas of spinal dysfunction, represent a state of altered afferent input which may be responsible for ongoing central plastic changes (Haavik-Taylor et al., 2010; Haavik-Taylor and Murphy, 2007c). Furthermorewe have proposed a potential mechanism which could explain how high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulation, also known as spinal adjustments, improve function and reduce symptoms. We have proposed that altered afferent feedback from an area of spinal dysfunction alters the afferent ‘‘milieu’’ into which subsequent afferent feedback from the spine and limbs is received and processed, thus leading to altered sensorimotor integration (SMI) of the afferent input, which is then normalized by highvelocity, low-amplitude manipulation (Haavik-Taylor et al., 2010; Haavik-Taylor and Murphy, 2007c). For a pictorial depiction of this hypothesis, see Figure 1.

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The Neurologic Component of the Subluxation Complex
