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Do Older Adults with Chronic Low Back Pain Differ

By |April 11, 2017|Chiropractic Care, Low Back Pain|

Do Older Adults with Chronic Low Back Pain Differ from Younger Adults in Regards to Baseline Characteristics and Prognosis?

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   Eur J Pain. 2017 (Mar 14) [Epub]

Manogharan S, Kongsted A, Ferreira ML, Hancock MJ.

Faculty of Medicine and Health Science,
Macquarie University,
Sydney, NSW, Australia

BACKGROUND:   Low back pain (LBP) in older adults is poorly understood because the vast majority of the LBP research has focused on the working aged population. The aim of this study was to compare older adults consulting with chronic LBP to middle aged and young adults consulting with chronic LBP, in terms of their baseline characteristics, and pain and disability outcomes over 1 year.

METHODS:   Data were systematically collected as part of routine care in a secondary care spine clinic. At initial presentation patients answered a self-report questionnaire and underwent a physical examination. Patients older than 65 were classified as older adults and compared to middle aged (45-65 years old) and younger adults (17-44 years old) for 10 baseline characteristics. Pain intensity and disability were collected at 6 and 12 month follow-ups and compared between age groups.

RESULTS:   A total of 14,479 participants were included in the study. Of these 3,087 (21%) patients were older adults, 6,071 (42%) were middle aged and 5,321 (37%) were young adults. At presentation older adults were statistically different to the middle aged and younger adults for most characteristics measured (e.g. less intense back pain, more leg pain and more depression); however, the differences were small. The change in pain and disability over 12 months did not differ between age groups.

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Knowledge Transfer within the Canadian Chiropractic Community

By |April 10, 2017|Chiropractic Care, Evidence-based Practice, Guidelines|

Knowledge Transfer within the Canadian Chiropractic Community. Part 2: Narrowing the Evidence-Practice Gap

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2014 (Sep); 58 (3): 206–214

Greg Kawchuk, DC, MSc, PhD, Genevieve Newton, DC, PhD,
John Srbely, DC, PhD, Steven Passmore, Hons BKin, DC, PhD,
André Bussières, DC, FCCS (C), Jason W. Busse, DC, PhD,
and Paul Bruno, BHK, DC, PhD

Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair
in Spinal Function,
Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine,
University of Alberta


This two-part commentary aims to provide clinicians with a basic understanding of knowledge translation (KT), a term that is often used interchangeably with phrases such as knowledge transfer, translational research, knowledge mobilization, and knowledge exchange. [1] Knowledge translation, also known as the science of implementation, is increasingly recognized as a critical element in improving healthcare delivery and aligning the use of research knowledge with clinical practice. [2] The focus of our commentary relates to how these KT processes link with evidence-based chiropractic care.

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Attitudes and Opinions of Doctors of Chiropractic Specializing in Pediatric Care Toward Patient Safety

By |March 24, 2017|Chiropractic Care, Pediatrics, Safety|

Attitudes and Opinions of Doctors of Chiropractic Specializing in Pediatric Care Toward Patient Safety: A Cross-sectional Survey

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2016 (Sep); 39 (7): 487–493

Katherine A. Pohlman, DC, MS, Linda Carroll, PhD,
Lisa Hartling, PhD, MSc, Ross Tsuyuki, PharmD, MSc,
Sunita Vohra, MD, MSc

Research Institute,
Parker University,
Dallas, TX.

OBJECTIVE:   The purpose of this cross-sectional survey was to evaluate attitudes and opinions of doctors of chiropractic (DCs) specializing in pediatric care toward patient safety.

METHODS:   The Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality was adapted for providers who use spinal manipulation therapy and sent out to 2 US chiropractic organizations’ pediatric council members (n = 400) between February and April 2014. The survey measured 12 patient safety dimensions and included questions on patient safety items and quality issues, information exchange, and overall clinic ratings. Data analyses included a percent composite average and a nonrespondent analysis.

RESULTS:   The response rate was 29.5% (n = 118). Almost one- third of respondents’ patients were pediatric (≤17 years of age). DCs with a pediatric certification were 3 times more likely to respond (P < .001), but little qualitative differences were found in responses. The patient safety dimensions with the highest positive composite percentages were Organizational Learning (both administration and clinical) and Teamwork (>90%). Patient Care Tracking/Follow-up and Work Pressure and Pace were patient safety dimensions that had the lowest positive composite scores (<85%). The responses also indicated that there was concern regarding information exchange with insurance/third-party payors. Two quality issues identified for improvement were (1) updating a patient’s medication list and (2) following up on critically abnormal results from a laboratory or imaging test within 1 day. The average overall patient safety rating score indicated that 83% of respondents rated themselves as “very good” or “excellent.”

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Subclinical Neck Pain and the Effects of Cervical Manipulation on Elbow Joint Position Sense

By |March 10, 2017|Chiropractic Care, Neurology|

Subclinical Neck Pain and the Effects of Cervical Manipulation on Elbow Joint Position Sense

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2011 (Feb); 34 (2): 88–97

Heidi Haavik, PhD, BSc (Chiro),
Bernadette Murphy, PhD, DC

New Zealand College of Chiropractic,
Auckland, New Zealand.

OBJECTIVE:   The objectives of this study were to investigate whether elbow joint position sense (JPS) accuracy differs between participants with a history of subclinical neck pain (SCNP) and those with no neck complaints and to determine whether adjusting dysfunctional cervical segments in the SCNP group improves their JPS accuracy.

METHOD:   Twenty-five SCNP participants and 18 control participants took part in this pre-post experimental study. Elbow JPS was measured using an electrogoniometer (MLTS700, ADInstruments, New Zealand). Participants reproduced a previously presented angle of the elbow joint with their neck in 4 positions: neutral, flexion, rotation, and combined flexion/rotation. The experimental intervention was high-velocity, low-amplitude cervical adjustments, and the control intervention was a 5-minute rest period. Group JPS data were compared, and it was assessed pre and post interventions using 3 parameters: absolute, constant, and variable errors.

RESULTS:   At baseline, the control group was significantly better at reproducing the elbow target angle. The SCNP group’s absolute error significantly improved after the cervical adjustments when the participants’ heads were in the neutral and left-rotation positions. They displayed a significant overall decrease in variable error after the cervical adjustments. The control group participants’ JPS accuracy was worse after the control intervention, with a significant overall effect in absolute and variable errors. No other significant effects were detected.

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Association Between the Type of First Healthcare Provider

By |March 8, 2017|Chiropractic Care, Cost-Effectiveness|

Association Between the Type of First Healthcare Provider and the Duration of Financial Compensation for Occupational Back Pain

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 2016 (Sep 17)

Marc-André Blanchette, Michèle Rivard, Clermont E. Dionne, Sheilah Hogg-Johnson, Ivan Steenstra

Public Health PhD Program,
School of Public Health,
University of Montreal,
Montreal, QC, Canada.

Objective   To compare the duration of financial compensation and the occurrence of a second episode of compensation of workers with occupational back pain who first sought three types of healthcare providers.

Methods   We analyzed data from a cohort of 5,511 workers who received compensation from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board for back pain in 2005. Multivariable Cox models controlling for relevant covariables were performed to compare the duration of financial compensation for the patients of each of the three types of first healthcare providers. Logistic regression was used to compare the occurrence of a second episode of compensation over the 2-year follow-up period.

Results   Compared with the workers who first saw a physician (reference), those who first saw a chiropractor experienced shorter first episodes of 100 % wage compensation (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] = 1.20 [1.10-1.31], P value < 0.001), and the workers who first saw a physiotherapist experienced a longer episode of 100 % compensation (adjusted HR = 0.84 [0.71-0.98], P value = 0.028) during the first 149 days of compensation. The odds of having a second episode of financial compensation were higher among the workers who first consulted a physiotherapist (OR = 1.49 [1.02-2.19], P value = 0.040) rather than a physician (reference).

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Early Predictors of Lumbar Spine Surgery

By |March 7, 2017|Chiropractic Care, Cost-Effectiveness|

Early Predictors of Lumbar Spine Surgery After Occupational Back Injury: Results From a Prospective Study of Workers in Washington State

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2013 (May 15); 38 (11): 953–964

Benjamin J. Keeney, PhD, Deborah Fulton-Kehoe, PhD, MPH, Judith A. Turner, PhD, Thomas M. Wickizer, PhD, Kwun Chuen Gary Chan, PhD, and Gary M. Franklin, MD, MPH

Department of Orthopaedics,
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College,
Lebanon, NH 03756, USA.

STUDY DESIGN:   Prospective population-based cohort study.

OBJECTIVE:   To identify early predictors of lumbar spine surgery within 3 years after occupational back injury.

SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA:   Back injuries are the most prevalent occupational injury in the United States. Few prospective studies have examined early predictors of spine surgery after work-related back injury.

METHODS:   Using Disability Risk Identification Study Cohort (D-RISC) data, we examined the early predictors of lumbar spine surgery within 3 years among Washington State workers, with new workers compensation temporary total disability claims for back injuries. Baseline measures included worker-reported measures obtained approximately 3 weeks after claim submission. We used medical bill data to determine whether participants underwent surgery, covered by the claim, within 3 years. Baseline predictors (P < 0.10) of surgery in bivariate analyses were included in a multivariate logistic regression model predicting lumbar spine surgery. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of the model was used to determine the model’s ability to identify correctly workers who underwent surgery.

RESULTS:   In the D-RISC sample of 1885 workers, 174 (9.2%) had a lumbar spine surgery within 3 years. Baseline variables associated with surgery (P < 0.05) in the multivariate model included higher Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire scores, greater injury severity, and surgeon as first provider seen for the injury. Reduced odds of surgery were observed for those younger than 35 years, females, Hispanics, and those whose first provider was a chiropractor. Approximately 42.7% of workers who first saw a surgeon had surgery, in contrast to only 1.5% of those who saw a chiropractor. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of the multivariate model was 0.93 (95% confidence interval, 0.92-0.95), indicating excellent ability to discriminate between workers who would versus would not have surgery.

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