The COMMENTS Section is Back!
The COMMENTS Section is Back!
In the last 7 years, we have relocated to a new (better) server 4 different times.
Even though we moved all the Blog files over, WordPress automatically snaps back to its default (original) settings, so we had to fuss for a few days to get everything to look the way we previously designed it to appear.
UNFORTUNATELY, the one thing we missed (since it’s the one thing we never use) was the COMMENTS Section at the bottom of every full post. Evidently you always have to re-install the Comments section as well. Grrr!
The “Front Page” displays a portion of every post. To see the Full post, you either click the Title, or the Read More link at the bottom.
Below the full post is the COMMENTS Section.
The first time you make a comment, you will have to add your Name and your E-Mail address. After that, you will always be signed in.
You can also check the box(es) to follow future comments on that post, or to ask to be notified every time a new Blog Post is published. Very convenient!
We assure you that your e-mail address will NEVER be shared with anyone.
We also apologize that we missed this in the past, because it suppressed one of our most enjoyable features, discussing current research with friends and fellow DCs.
We are pleased to return full functionality to our Blog, and hope that you too will enjoy discussing these studies with your peers.