Cervicogenic Headache Revisited
Cervicogenic Headache Revisited
SOURCE: The Chiropractic Report
Editor: David Chapman-Smith LL.B. (Hons.)
“In my experience, cervical migraine is the type of headache most frequently seen in general practice and also the type most frequently misinterpreted. It is usually erroneously diagnosed as classical migraine, tension headache, vascular headache. . . . Such patients have usually received an inadequate treatment and have often become neurotic and drug-dependent”.
Frykholm, neurosurgeon, Sweden (1972) [1]
“Manipulation is effective in patients with cervicogenic headache”.
Duke University Evidence-Based Practice Center, USA (2001) [2]
A. Introduction
Headache is one of the most frequent reasons people seek medical advice and is the primary complaint of about 10% of chiropractic patients [3,4]. Headaches may have a ‘sinister’ cause, such as accidental injury, a space-occupying lesion in the brain or other disease process. In that case they are secondary headaches. However the great majority of headaches are ‘benign’, not linked to any specific injury or disease, and are known as primary headaches.
Benign does not mean mild – symptoms may be frequent and severe. The three most common types of primary headaches are migraine, tension-type headache (TT H) and cervicogenic headache (CGH) [5]. Back in the 1960s the various categories of primary headache were thought to be distinct. That thinking still influences much clinical practice and public perception. However by 1988, when the International Headache Society (IHS) published a new classification of headaches [6] it was known: (more…)