New LBP Study Reveals Chiropractic Is Superior to PT and MD Care
New LBP Study Reveals Chiropractic Is Superior to PT and MD Care
SOURCE: J Occupational and Enviro Medicine 2011 (Mar 14)
Cifuentes M, Willetts J, Wasiak R.
The Center for Disability Research at the Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety
This study is unique in that it was conducted by the Center for Disability Research at the Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety and the University of Massachusetts Lowell, Hopkinton, Mass; and the Center for Health Economics & Science Policy at United BioSource Corporation, London, United Kingdom.
Their objective was to compare the occurrences of repeated disability episodes between types of health care providers, who treat claimants with new episodes of work-related low back pain (LBP). They followed 894 patients over 1-year, using workers’ compensation claims data.
By controlling for demographics and severity, they determined the hazard ratio (HR) for disability recurrence between 3 types of providers:
Physical Therapists (PT),
Physicians (MD), and
Chiropractors (DC).
The results are quite interesting: (more…)