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Review Of Methods Used By Chiropractors To Determine The Site For Applying Manipulation

By |July 13, 2014|Chiropractic Care, Spinal Manipulation|

Review Of Methods Used By Chiropractors To Determine The Site For Applying Manipulation

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2013 (Oct 21); 21 (1): 36

John J Triano, Brian Budgell, Angela Bagnulo,
Benjamin Roffey, Thomas Bergmann, Robert Cooperstein,
Brian Gleberzon, Christopher Good, Jacquelyn Perron
and Rodger Tepe

Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College,
6100 Leslie St,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

BACKGROUND:   With the development of increasing evidence for the use of manipulation in the management of musculoskeletal conditions, there is growing interest in identifying the appropriate indications for care. Recently, attempts have been made to develop clinical prediction rules, however the validity of these clinical prediction rules remains unclear and their impact on care delivery has yet to be established. The current study was designed to evaluate the literature on the validity and reliability of the more common methods used by doctors of chiropractic to inform the choice of the site at which to apply spinal manipulation.

METHODS:   Structured searches were conducted in Medline, PubMed, CINAHL and ICL, supported by hand searches of archives, to identify studies of the diagnostic reliability and validity of common methods used to identify the site of treatment application. To be included, studies were to present original data from studies of human subjects and be designed to address the region or location of care delivery. Only English language manuscripts from peer-reviewed journals were included. The quality of evidence was ranked using QUADAS for validity and QAREL for reliability, as appropriate. Data were extracted and synthesized, and were evaluated in terms of strength of evidence and the degree to which the evidence was favourable for clinical use of the method under investigation.

RESULTS:   A total of 2594 titles were screened from which 201 articles met all inclusion criteria. The spectrum of manuscript quality was quite broad, as was the degree to which the evidence favoured clinical application of the diagnostic methods reviewed. The most convincing favourable evidence was for methods which confirmed or provoked pain at a specific spinal segmental level or region. There was also high quality evidence supporting the use, with limitations, of static and motion palpation, and measures of leg length inequality. Evidence of mixed quality supported the use, with limitations, of postural evaluation. The evidence was unclear on the applicability of measures of stiffness and the use of spinal x-rays. The evidence was of mixed quality, but unfavourable for the use of manual muscle testing, skin conductance, surface electromyography and skin temperature measurement.

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The Clinical Aspects Of The Acute Facet Syndrome: Results From A Structured Discussion Among European Chiropractors

By |July 7, 2014|Acute Facet Syndrome, Chiropractic Care|

The Clinical Aspects Of The Acute Facet Syndrome: Results From A Structured Discussion Among European Chiropractors

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2009 (Feb 5);   17:   2

Lise Hestbaek, Alice Kongsted, Tue Secher Jensen,
and Charlotte Leboeuf-Yde

Nordic Institute of Chiropractic and Clinical Biomechanics,
Odense M, Denmark.

Background   The term ‘acute facet syndrome’ is widely used and accepted amongst chiropractors, but poorly described in the literature, as most of the present literature relates to chronic facet joint pain. Therefore, research into the degree of consensus on the subject amongst a large group of chiropractic practitioners was seen to be a useful contribution.

Methods   During the annual congress of The European Chiropractors Union (ECU) in 2008, the authors conducted a workshop involving volunteer chiropractors. Topics were decided upon in advance, and the participants were asked to form into groups of four or five. The groups were asked to reach consensus on several topics relating to a basic case of a forty-year old man, where an assumption was made that his pain originated from the facet joints. First, the participants were asked to agree on a maximum of three keywords on each of four topics relating to the presentation of pain: 1. location, 2. severity, 3. aggravating factors, and 4. relieving factors. Second, the groups were asked to agree on three orthopaedic and three chiropractic tests that would aid in diagnosing pain from the facet joints. Finally, they were asked to agree on the number, frequency and duration of chiropractic treatment.

Results   Thirty-four chiropractors from nine European countries participated. They described the characteristics of an acute, uncomplicated facet syndrome as follows: local, ipsilateral pain, occasionally extending into the thigh with pain and decreased range of motion in extension and rotation both standing and sitting. They thought that the pain could be relieved by walking, lying with knees bent, using ice packs and taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and aggravated by prolonged standing or resting. They also stated that there would be no signs of neurologic involvement or antalgic posture and no aggravation of pain from sitting, flexion or coughing/sneezing.


A Comparison of Chiropractic Manipulation Methods and Usual Medical Care for Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

By |June 6, 2014|Chiropractic Care, Low Back Pain, Randomized Controlled Trial|

A Comparison of Chiropractic Manipulation Methods and Usual Medical Care for Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   J Altern Complement Med. 2014 (May);   20 (5):   A22–23

Michael Schneider, Mitchell Haas, Joel Stevans, Ronald Glick, Doug Landsittel

Michael Schneider,
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Purpose:   The primary aim of this study was to compare manual and mechanical methods of spinal manipulation (Activator) for patients with acute and sub-acute low back pain. These are the two most common methods of spinal manipulation used by chiropractors, but there is insufficient evidence regarding their comparative effectiveness against each other. Our secondary aim was to compare both methods with usual medical care.

Methods:   In a randomized comparative effectiveness trial, we randomized 107 participants with acute and sub-acute low back pain to: 1) usual medical care; 2) manual side-posture manipulation; and 3) mechanical manipulation (Activator). The primary outcome was self-reported disability (Oswestry) at four weeks. Pain was rated on a 0 to 10 numerical rating scale. Pain and disability scores were regressed on grouping variables adjusted for baseline covariates.

Results:   Manual manipulation demonstrated a clinically important and statistically significant reduction of disability and pain compared to Activator (adjusted mean difference=7.9 and 1.3 points respectively, P<.05) and compared to usual medical care (7.0 and 1.8 points respectively, P<.05). There were no significant adjusted mean differences between Activator and usual medical care in disability and pain (0.9 and 0.5 points respectively, P>.05).

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Spinal Manipulation and Exercise for Low Back Painin Adolescents: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial

By |June 1, 2014|Chiropractic Care, Low Back Pain, Pediatrics|

Spinal Manipulation and Exercise for Low Back Pain in Adolescents: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2014 (May 23);   22:   21 ~ FULL TEXT

Craig Schulz, Brent Leininger, Roni Evans, Darcy Vavrek, Dave Peterson, Mitchell Haas

and Gert Bronfort

Wolfe-Harris Center for Clinical Studies, Northwestern Health Sciences
University, 2501 W 84th St, Bloomington, MN 55431, USA

Background   Low back pain is among the most common and costly chronic health care conditions. Recent research has highlighted the common occurrence of non-specific low back pain in adolescents, with prevalence estimates similar to adults. While multiple clinical trials have examined the effectiveness of commonly used therapies for the management of low back pain in adults, few trials have addressed the condition in adolescents. The purpose of this paper is to describe the methodology of a randomized clinical trial examining the effectiveness of exercise with and without spinal manipulative therapy for chronic or recurrent low back pain in adolescents.

Methods   This study is a randomized controlled trial comparing twelve weeks of exercise therapy combined with spinal manipulation to exercise therapy alone. Beginning in March 2010, a total of 184 participants, ages 12 to 18, with chronic or recurrent low back pain are enrolled across two sites. The primary outcome is self-reported low back pain intensity. Other outcomes include disability, quality of life, improvement, satisfaction, activity level, low back strength, endurance, and motion. Qualitative interviews are conducted to evaluate participants’ perceptions of treatment.

Discussion   This is the first randomized clinical trial assessing the effectiveness of combining spinal manipulative therapy with exercise for adolescents with low back pain. The results of this study will provide important evidence on the role of these conservative treatments for the management of low back pain in adolescents.

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Chiropractic and Pediatrics


Chiropractic Care for Pediatric and Adolescent Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review

By |May 30, 2014|Attention Deficit, Chiropractic Care|

Chiropractic Care for Pediatric and Adolescent Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2010 (Jun 2);   18:   13 ~ FULL TEXT

Fay Karpouzis, Rod Bonello, and Henry Pollard

Department of Chiropractic,
Faculty of Science,
Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia.

Background   Psychostimulants are first line of therapy for pediatric and adolescent AD/HD. The evidence suggests that up to 30% of those prescribed stimulant medications do not show clinically significant outcomes. In addition, many children and adolescents experience side-effects from these medications. As a result, parents are seeking alternate interventions for their children. Complementary and alternative medicine therapies for behavioural disorders such as AD/HD are increasing with as many as 68% of parents having sought help from alternative practitioners, including chiropractors.

Objective   The review seeks to answer the question of whether chiropractic care can reduce symptoms of inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity for pediatric and adolescent AD/HD.

Methods   Electronic databases (Cochrane CENTRAL register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of Systematic reviews, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Scopus, ISI Web of Science, Index to Chiropractic Literature) were searched from inception until July 2009 for English language studies for chiropractic care and AD/HD. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to select studies. All randomised controlled trials were evaluated using the Jadad score and a checklist developed from the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) guidelines.

Results   The search yielded 58 citations of which 22 were intervention studies. Of these, only three studies were identified for pediatric and adolescent AD/HD cohorts. The methodological quality was poor and none of the studies qualified using inclusion criteria.

Conclusions   To date there is insufficient evidence to evaluate the efficacy of chiropractic care for pediatric and adolescent AD/HD. The claim that chiropractic care improves pediatric and adolescent AD/HD, is only supported by low levels of scientific evidence. In the interest of pediatric and adolescent health, if chiropractic care for AD/HD is to continue, more rigorous scientific research needs to be undertaken to examine the efficacy and effectiveness of chiropractic treatment. Adequately-sized RCTs using clinically relevant outcomes and standardised measures to examine the effectiveness of chiropractic care verses no-treatment/placebo control or standard care (pharmacological and psychosocial care) are needed to determine whether chiropractic care is an effective alternative intervention for pediatric and adolescent AD/HD.


From the FULL TEXT Article:


Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) is considered to be one of the most frequently diagnosed disruptive behaviour disorders in childhood [1-5], with world wide prevalence rates of 8-12%. [6] The American prevalence rates range between 3-7% [1], and 4-12%. [7] The Australian prevalence rates show 11% of 6-17 year olds are diagnosed with this disorder [8], where as the English and Welsh AD/HD prevalence rates find 5% of 6-16 year olds have the disorder. [9] The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th Edition Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) [1], is the most widely used classification system for mental disorders. [10, 11] The DSM-IV-TR characterises AD/HD as inappropriate, chronic levels of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. [1] These children continually experience difficulties in academic achievement, and behavioural control, and as a consequence, they have difficulty in establishing positive relationships with family, authority figures and their peers. [12-14] As a result, much attention has been devoted to the development and evaluation of assessment and treatment for this disorder over the last fifty years. [2, 15-17] The majority of the AD/HD literature is dedicated to the treatment of this disorder. [2, 15-18] Most of this research can be found in the area of pharmacological therapies [12, 16, 17], with less emphasis in psychotherapy and other psychosocial interventions. [19] There is even less research in the area of AD/HD and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies. [20, 21]

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Chiropractic and Children: Is More Research Enough?

By |May 29, 2014|Chiropractic Care, Pediatrics|

Chiropractic and Children: Is More Research Enough?

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2010 (Jun 2);   18:   11 ~ FULL TEXT

Charlotte Leboeuf-Yde, and Lise Hestbæk

Nordic Institute of Chiropractic and Clinical Biomechanics,
Forskerparken 10, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark.

Many health science research and review articles end with the words: “More research is needed”. However, when it comes to research, it is not as much a question of quantity as of quality. There are a number of important prerequisites before research should be initiated. The three pillars, relevance, quality and ethics should be respected but for a project to be meaningful, it must also be based on plausible rationale.

In evidence-based (informed) practice, one takes into account not only research-based evidence but also clinical expertise and the patients’ perspectives. In this paper, we briefly discuss how this should be handled in clinical practice is briefly discussed, using the concept of “traffic lights” (red, yellow, green). We explain how the combination of evidence and plausibility can be used to reach a decision as to whether a treatment or diagnostic procedure is suitable, possible, or unsuitable.

In this thematic series of Chiropractic & Osteopathy a number of reviews are presented, in which the research status of pediatric chiropractic is scrutinized and found wanting. Two important aspects were studied in these reviews: the effect of treatment and safety issues. Two types of problems were identified: the lack of research in general and the lack of research using the appropriate study designs and methodology in particular. Therefore, we discuss the meager research noted in the areas of chiropractic care in children and the clinical consequences this should have. The prerequisites for “more research” are scrutinized and an example given of suitable research programs.

Finally, the important issue of implementation of research findings is covered, emphasizing the responsibility of all stakeholders involved at both the undergraduate and the postgraduate level, within professional associations, and on an individual level.



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