Chiropractic Care during Pregnancy
Chiropractic Care during Pregnancy: Survey of 100 Patients Presenting to a Private Clinic in Oslo, Norway
J Clin Chiro Peds 2010 (Dec); 11 (2): 771—774 ~ FULL TEXT
Elisabeth Aas-Jakobsen, BS, DC, MSc and Joyce E. Miller, BS, DC, DABCO
Private practice,
Oslo, Norway
Musculoskeletal (MSK) problems in pregnancy constitute a tremendous cost to society, both in regards to sick leave and chronic pain, and are a major public health concern. (In Norway one-third of all pregnant women are on sick leave at any given time, and many of these because of back pain). There is little agreement on the best treatment for the various MSK problems in pregnancy and very little is known about the efficacy of chiropractic treatment in pregnancy. However, chiropractic care has been shown to be both popular with patients during pregnancy, as well as being considered safe and appropriate by chiropractors. The purpose of this paper is to describe a survey which investigated the characteristics of pregnant women who sought chiropractic care in Norway.
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