Basic Principles and Practice of Chiropractic
Basic Principles and Practice of Chiropractic
We would all like to thank Dr. Richard C. Schafer, DC, PhD, FICC for his lifetime commitment to the profession. In the future we will continue to add materials from RC’s copyrighted books for your use.
This is Chapter 1 from RC’s best-selling book:
“Basic Chiropractic Procedural Manual”
These materials are provided as a service to our profession. There is no charge for individuals to copy and file these materials. However, they cannot be sold or used in any group or commercial venture without written permission from ACAPress.
This introductory chapter describes the general causes and effects of the subluxation complex.
The role of subluxation as an etiologic or perpetuating factor in disease is determined by the extent of the neuropathologic and/or biomechanical processes involved and how they relate to the creation, maintenance, or progress of such disorders.
The study of pathology shows that disease is not a static state. It is a process, and as such it manifests in certain signs, symptoms, functional alterations, and morphologic changes. These occur as an action of the body to motor responses of a somatic, visceral motor, or vasomotor nature that begin by noxious sensory stimulation. Such initial sensory irritation arises from the environment, are of a varied and complex nature, and their effects depend on an inherent or conditioned resistance of the organism at a given time. It can therefore be said that disease states essentially depend on irritations from the environment overcoming constitutional resistance and response mechanisms and reserves, with the nervous system acting as the mediating factor between. As life is a stimulus-response phenomenon in its normal homeostatic functions, disease can be considered an abnormal response to stimuli that is beyond the capacities of the organism to adapt.