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Sustained Improvement of Heart Rate Variability

By |January 14, 2018|Chiropractic Care|

Sustained Improvement of Heart Rate Variability in Patients Undergoing a Program of Chiropractic Care: A Retrospective Case Series

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   Chiropractic Journal of Australia 2018; 45 (4): 338–358 ~ FULL TEXT

Amy Louise Haas, PhD, DC, David Russell, BSc (Psych), BSc (Chiro), Cert TT

Private Practice,
Nashua, NH, USA

Objective:   The purpose of this study was to report the sustained changes in heart rate variability (HRV) observed in 6 patients undergoing continuous chiropractic care for the correction of vertebral subluxations.

Clinical Features:   Six patients between 25 to 55 years of age all presented with primarily musculoskeletal complaints for chiropractic care in a private practice setting. All patients were nonsmokers with no reported cardiac pathology. All patients were initially assessed for indicators of vertebral subluxation before being accepted for chiropractic care, and were monitored for changes in HRV scores over time.

Intervention and Outcomes:   Chiropractic care, using Diversified and Thompson techniques to correct vertebral subluxations, was provided for an initial period of 10 to 52 weeks at a frequency of 2 to 3 visits per week. HRV, measured by SSDN, increased over the early part of their course of chiropractic care, and these increases were sustained whilst the patient remained under long term continuous care in all 6 patients. Improvements in SDNN ranged from 50% to greater than 300% as compared to pre-care values.


Conservative Care of Pediatric Acquired Torticollis

By |November 9, 2017|Acquired Torticollis, Chiropractic Care|

Conservative Care of Pediatric Acquired Torticollis:
A Report of 2 Cases

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   J Chiropr Med. 2017 (Sep);   16 (3):   252-256

Morgan D. Young, DC, Jessie L. Young, DC

Research Department,
Palmer College of Chiropractic West,
San Jose, California.

OBJECTIVE:   The purpose of this case report is to describe the conservative management of 2 cases of acquired torticollis in children under 3 years of age.

CLINICAL FEATURES:   Both patients awoke with painful, stiff, twisted necks the day after play in a bouncy house. Range of motion was limited, and hypertonic muscles were palpated. Their neurologic and physical evaluation was consistent with a diagnosis of acquired torticollis of musculoskeletal origin.

INTERVENTION AND OUTCOMES:   Both children were treated with chiropractic care that consisted of light myofascial release, use of an Activator instrument, and home stretching. Patients improved in pain and range of motion immediately posttreatment and returned to normal ranges in 1 or 2 visits.


Use of Integrative Medicine in the United States Military

By |October 29, 2017|Chiropractic Care, Integrative Medicine|

Use of Integrative Medicine in the
United States Military Health System

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   Evid Based Comp Alternat Med. 2017 (Jun 13)

Cathaleen Madsen, Megan Vaughan, and
Tracey Pérez Koehlmoos

Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences,
Bethesda, MD, USA.

Integrative medicine (IM) is a model of care which uses both conventional and nonconventional therapies in a “whole person” approach to achieve optimum mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and environmental health, and is increasingly popular among patients and providers seeking to relieve chronic or multifactorial conditions. The US Department of Defense (DoD) shows particular interest in and usage of IM for managing chronic conditions including the signature “polytrauma triad” of chronic pain, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among its beneficiaries in the Military Health System (MHS).

These modalities range from conventional nondrug, nonsurgical options such as cognitive-behavioral therapy to nonconventional options such as acupuncture, chiropractic, and mind-body techniques. These are of particular interest for their potential to relieve symptoms without relying on opiates, which impair performance and show high potential for abuse while often failing to provide full relief.

This review describes the use of IM in the MHS, including definitions of the model, common therapies and potential for use, and controversy surrounding the practice. More research is needed to build a comprehensive usage analysis, which in turn will inform sound clinical and financial practice for the MHS and its beneficiaries.


From the FULL TEXT Article:


Integrative medicine (IM) is a current healthcare paradigm which promotes a “whole person” approach to health through coordinated use of appropriate therapies originating both inside and outside of conventional medicine. Though often conflated with complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), changes in the definition of these terms make this conflation technically inaccurate.

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Recommendations to the Musculoskeletal Health Network

By |September 14, 2017|Chiropractic Care, Spinal Pain|

Recommendations to the Musculoskeletal Health Network, Health Department of Western Australia related to the Spinal Pain Model of Care made on behalf of the Chiropractors Association of Australia (Western Australian Branch)

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   Topics in Integrative Health Care 2014 (Jun 30); 5 (2)

Lyndon G. Amorin-Woods, BAppSci(Chiropractic),
Gregory F. Parkin-Smith, MTech(Chiro), MBBS, MSc, DrHC,
Vern Saboe, DC, DACAN, FACO,
Anthony L. Rosner, Ph.D., LL.D.[Hon.], LLC

The 2009 Spinal Model of Care published by the Western Australian Health Department via the Musculoskeletal Health Network would benefit from an update. Best-evidence synthesis and cost-risks-benefits estimations suggest that such guidelines should provide:

(1)   the early assessment of patients with non-malignant spinal pain (particularly low back) by a musculoskeletal clinician, be it a chiropractor, musculoskeletal physician, osteopath or musculoskeletal physiotherapist with referral within the early stages of the disorder; and

(2)   the provision of manipulative therapy, where indicated, as a first-line treatment while also providing rehabilitation, health promotion, and contemporary wellness/wellbeing management with the intention of avoiding chronicity.

Emerging workforce capacity suggests that early assessment and evidence-based management of non-malignant spinal pain is feasible, leading to better patient outcomes. The authors and the association are hopeful that providing this submission in open access may prove useful for advocates of the chiropractic profession in other jurisdictions.


From the FULL TEXT Article:


The importance of addressing spinal pain in the Australian community in a cost effective and clinically appropriate manner is illustrated in a series of studies emerging from the Global Burden of Disease 2010 Project. [1] It is well-known that musculoskeletal conditions, such as low back pain, neck pain and arthritis, affect more than 1.7 billion people worldwide and are set to become more prevalent with a growing, ageing, developed world population. [2] Australian chiropractors may occupy a pivotal role in the cost effective management of these clinical presentations.

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Effectiveness of Manual Therapy

By |August 9, 2017|Chiropractic Care, Chronic Tension-type Headache, Uncategorized|

Effectiveness of Manual Therapy for Chronic Tension-type Headache: A Pragmatic, Randomised, Clinical Trial

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   Cephalalgia. 2011 (Jan); 31 (2): 133–143

Rene F Castien, Danielle AWM van der Windt,
Anneke Grooten and Joost Dekker

Healthcare Centre Haarlemmermeer,
The Netherlands.

OBJECTIVE:   To evaluate the effectiveness of manual therapy (MT) in participants with chronic tension-type headache (CTTH).

SUBJECTS AND METHODS:   We conducted a multicentre, pragmatic, randomised, clinical trial with partly blinded outcome assessment. Eighty-two participants with CTTH were randomly assigned to MT or to usual care by the general practitioner (GP). Primary outcome measures were frequency of headache and use of medication. Secondary outcome measures were severity of headache, disability and cervical function.

RESULTS:   After 8 weeks (n = 80) and 26 weeks (n = 75), a significantly larger reduction of headache frequency was found for the MT group (mean difference at 8 weeks, -6.4 days; 95% CI -8.3 to -4.5; effect size, 1.6). Disability and cervical function showed significant differences in favour of the MT group at 8 weeks but were not significantly different at 26 weeks.

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Amount of Health Care and Self-care Following

By |July 25, 2017|Chiropractic Care, Low Back Pain|

Amount of Health Care and Self-care Following a Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Flexion-distraction with Exercise Program for Chronic Low Back Pain

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2006 (Aug 24); 14: 19

Jerrilyn A Cambron, M Ram Gudavalli,
Marion McGregor, James Jedlicka,
Michael Keenum, Alexander J Ghanayem,
Avinash G Patwardhan and Sylvia E Furner

Department of Research,
National University of Health Sciences,
Lombard, IL, USA.

BACKGROUND:   Previous clinical trials have assessed the percentage of participants who utilized further health care after a period of conservative care for low back pain, however no chiropractic clinical trial has determined the total amount of care during this time and any differences based on assigned treatment group. The objective of this clinical trial follow-up was to assess if there was a difference in the total number of office visits for low back pain over one year after a four week clinical trial of either a form of physical therapy (Exercise Program) or a form of chiropractic care (Flexion Distraction) for chronic low back pain.

METHODS:   In this randomized clinical trial follow up study, 195 participants were followed for one year after a four-week period of either a form of chiropractic care (FD) or a form of physical therapy (EP). Weekly structured telephone interview questions regarded visitation of various health care practitioners and the practice of self-care for low back pain.

RESULTS:   Participants in the physical therapy group demonstrated on average significantly more visits to any health care provider and to a general practitioner during the year after trial care (p < 0.05). No group differences were noted in the number of visits to a chiropractor or physical therapist. Self-care was initiated by nearly every participant in both groups.

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