Let’s Talk Supplementation

The Chiro.Org Blog

The debate over using supplements vs. getting “all you need from your diet” has raged on for years. Competent medical professionals are actually telling people that they get everything they need from their diet. Seriously?

What exactly is the “minimum daily requirement” of vitamins? A quick review of the Food Guide Pyramid should make certain things clear:

  1. Those recommended food servings (and it’s a LOT) only provides the MINIMUM vitamins required to avoid getting a vitamin dedficiency disease. WOW, great news. It is NOT enough for a growing child, pregnant woman, or ANYONE who is sick.
  2. If you added ALL that food to a bucket around your neck, you’d have to graze all day just to get it down, so you could absorb the bare minimum amounts of vitamins. Meanwhile, NHANES demographic analysis suggests that less than 10% of Americans actually eat that way. The rest of us end up suffering variations of the “Morgan Spurlock Syndrome”.

Did you see the movie Super Size Me? Morgan Spurlock lived on fast food for 1 month, and during that time his health declined, and he went from being a healthy young man into becoming flabby-baby-man (as Ah-nold would say).

So those of us who recommend supplementation, do so to help people fill in the nutrient gaps in their diet.

The Nutrition Page is loaded with useful information about the health benefits associated with the use of vitamins, mineral, and herbals. It is presented in a non-solicitous fashion, to help our readers make informed decisions about diet and health.

You may also find great value in this series of articles titled: Alternative Medicine Approaches to Disease They review a long list of conditions, and their responses to holistic management. Virtually all of these articles are culled from Alternative Medicine Review, the premier alt-med journal.