Editorial Commentary:

I think, before we go forwards with any healthcare plan, America needs to answer some basic questions.

The real issues we must answer are:

  • Do we agree as a Nation that it is the role of Society to pay for everyone’s healthcare?
  • If so, do we also feel responsible to feed every American? How about providing housing for the homeless? The list is endless.

Once we have *decided* these issues one way or another, the solutions should be pretty obvious.

IF we believe we should have socialized medicine, then cut out ALL the Insurance Companies (and the profit motive), and hire doctors on a fixed income, and fill the hospitals with the required numbers of providers. That should include ALL forms of care, medicine, chiropractic, acupuncture etc. It will be much easier and cost-effective to research the benefits of any form of care once they are all institutionalized.

Will doctors and insurance companies appreciate the loss in income? Sure, but so what? Let them eat cake! There will be plenty of new doctors who will appreciate a fixed income and the chance to help sick people. It’s do-able.

And of course, prevention needs to be emphasized. It’s a LOT easier to stay well than to *get well*. Until Wellness is promoted, we will remain a sickly, fading empire.