Are You Too Young To Supplement?

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   J Bone Miner Res 2008 (May); 23 (5): 741–749

The whole point of nutritional supplementation should be about prevention, not reproducing the medical model of symptom treatment after the fact.

A new study involving 5,201 female U.S. Navy recruits puts this into clear perspective.

Half this group was given calcium and vitamin D supplementation during basic training, and the amazing result was a reduction of 25% in stress fractures. Considering that 21% of recruits usually experience a stress fracture, this was a big deal for the Navy.

Consider this: the average cost of a single soldier’s being discharged from basic training is estimated to be $34,000. By that standard alone, this study saved the Navy about 2.5 million dollars by reducing the discharge rate by 25%.

Enjoy the rest of this review