Safety of Chiropractic Manual Therapy for Children
Safety of Chiropractic Manual Therapy for Children: How Are We Doing?
J Clin Chiro Peds 2009 (Dec); 10 (2): 655–660 ~ FULL TEXT
Joyce Miller, BSc, DC, DABCO, PhD
Anglo European College of Chiropractic, Lead Tutor, MSc
Advanced Practice Chiropractic Pediatrics,
Bournemouth University.
Objectives: To assess the risk of adverse effects of chiropractic spinal manipulation in the pediatric population and to promote a culture of safety along with full reporting of adverse events in the chiropractic profession
Methods: Narrative review of all published reports of adverse effects of chiropractic pediatric spinal manipulation
Results: Adverse effects from chiropractic spinal manipulation are rare with 2 moderate and 4 severe events reported during a 59 year period with up to 30 million treatments estimated per year. Current reports show a very low rate (<1% in 8,290 treatments) of mild transient side effects lasting less than 24 hours.
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