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Essential Fatty Acids Eases Premenstrual Syndrome

By |February 17, 2011|Nutrition, Premenstrual Syndrome, Supplementation, Women's Health|

Essential Fatty Acids Eases Premenstrual Syndrome

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   NHI OnDemand

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in the journal Reproductive Health evaluated the effectiveness and safety of a supplement containing essential fatty acids and vitamins for the treatment of PMS and to assess effectiveness on prolactin and total cholesterol levels.

The researchers recruited 120 women with PMS and were divided into 3 groups that received either 1 or 2 grams of the supplement or placebo for six months using the Prospective Record of the Impact and Severity of Menstruation (PRISM) calendar. The actual dosage per one-gram serving included 210 mg of gamma linolenic acid, 175 mg of oleic acid, 345 mg of linoleic acid, 250 mg of other polyunsaturated acids, and 20 mg of vitamin E.

The results were the group treated with 2 grams of supplement experienced the most significant reduction in the PRISM score the next significant reduction was in the group taking 1 gram of supplement. The placebo group experienced the least reduction in PRISM score. There were no statistically significant differences in prolactin or total cholesterol levels after six months of treatment. (more…)

Heart Attacks and Folic Acid

By |February 6, 2011|Nutrition, Prevention, Supplementation|

Randomized trials have suggested that folic acid may not have any beneficial effects for preventing heart attacks especially a second episodes. However in a meta-analysis published Wednesday (2/2/11) Wald,et. al. suggest that previous studies have failed to account for the use of aspirin by study participants. The authors suggest folic acid could be a part of a preventative measure to reduce first attacks but not second due to the use of aspirin by those suffering from a previous attack.

The study was published online as part of the PLoS site, an open access peer reviewed site. You can download the study in its entirety here;

Wald DS, Morris JK, Wald NJ (2011) Reconciling the Evidence on Serum Homocysteine and Ischaemic Heart Disease: A Meta-Analysis. PLoS ONE 6(2): e16473. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016473

Guidelines Call for Increase in Vitamin D

By |November 30, 2010|Nutrition|

Guidelines Call for Increase in Vitamin D

The Chiro.Org Blog

Source: WebMD

New guidelines for vitamin D call for increasing the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin D to 600 international units (IU) for everyone aged 1-70, and raising it to 800 IU for adults older than 70 to optimize bone health.

The guidelines, released by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), also raised daily calcium RDAs. The new guidelines call for a recommended dietary allowance of 700 milligrams of calcium per day for children aged 1 through 3, 1,000 milligrams daily for almost all children aged 4 through 8, 1,300 milligrams of calcium per day for adolescents aged 9 through 18, and 1,000 milligrams for all adults aged 19 through 50 and men until age 71. Women starting at age 51 and men and women aged 71 and older need 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day. (more…)

The Nutrition Page

By |August 19, 2010|Nutrition, Supplementation|

The Nutrition Page

The Chiro.Org Blog

The Nutrition Page provides non-solicitous nutrition information, including articles and research abstracts supporting the benefits of vitamins, minerals and herbals for the restoration and maintenance of health. The Nutrition Section is divided into several convenient sections.

The Supplements Section contains 38 sub-sections covering nutrients from Acidophilus Pre/Probiotics to all the vitamins and minerals. If you happen to be using any prescription drugs then the Nutrient Depletion Charts will show you which nutrients a particular drug depletes from your body. (more…)

Calcium deposition in osteoarthritic menisci and meniscal cell culture

By |April 6, 2010|Health, Nutrition|

osteoarthritic menisci and meniscal cell culture

osteoarthritic menisci and meniscal cell culture

The results of a study published online on March 30th 2010 could very well present a treatment dilemma in OA patients with concomitant osteoporosis.

How to insure target tissue specific outcome for Ca++ supplementation therapy in these type of patients? I certainly am no expert when it comes to supplements, are there any other supplements that could be coupled with the Ca++ in order to at least maximize osseous uptake while also decreasing cartilaginous uptake?

Abstract is available here which includes a link to the complete article as a provisional PDF.


More Good News For Chocolate Lovers

By |March 31, 2010|Nutrition, Research|

Thanks to ChiroAccess for access to these materials!

The evidence supporting the antihypertensive effects of cocoa has been building over the last few years, and a January 2010 systematic review and meta-analysis of 10 randomized controlled trials, comprising 297 individuals confirms the BP-lowering capacity of flavanol-rich cocoa products. [1] The high level of flavanols found in the cocoa plant is believed to be responsible for the lowering of blood pressure.

Another study, published this month (March 2010) compared a lower (6g/day) with higher dose (25g/day) of dark chocolate, and the results suggest that, although chocolate may lower blood pressure, there was no added benefit to taking higher doses. The 25g per day group experienced slight increases in body weight with no additional improvements in BP. [2] (more…)