Chiropractic Turns 125 Today!

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   Palmer College

Come to where it all began!

Palmer College of Chiropractic will host the virtual 125th Founder’s Day Celebration today at 5:15 p.m. CDT (Friday, Sept. 18) on Palmer’s Facebook page.

Hear from Palmer College of Chiropractic Chancellor and CEO Dennis Marchiori, D.C., Ph.D.; and the great-granddaughter of D.D. Palmer himself, Vickie Anne Palmer; and also from some current students.

Then, join in a toast to the profession with chiropractic leaders from around the world.

Make sure to click the (more…) link (see it below) to see a humorous picture of the young David Palmer and a friend, practicing their technique at age 8.

One of the school mottos is:

Palmer is to chiropractic
what sterling is to silver

D.D. Palmer, the Father of Chiropractic

B.J. Palmer, the Developer of Chiropractic

David Palmer and Friend…This is my all-time favorite!

Thanks to the Palmer Archives for permission to reproduce these pictures!