Source Jack LaLanne Blog

p-3I was not aware of this but famed fitness proponent Jack LaLanne was in fact a chiropractor. His curiosity about the inter-working of the muscles of the body lead him to attend Oakland C.C. in the early ’40’s. Following graduation Jack was actively operating the first modern health spa using his chiropractic education to help his students get into shape. Then W.W. II broke out and he found himself in Guadalcanal evacuating and rehabilitating the wounded. Following the war, Jack returned to operating his spa and soon found himself on the television helping millions of Americans stay in shape and all the while being proud he was a chiropractor. Due to the aforementioned circumstances in his life, he was never able to hang out a shingle, but he supported his fellow chiropractors through lectures and personal appearances. Currently Jack has a chiropractic program called ‘Stay Fit Seniors’ that combines healthy exercise with chiropractic care, which continues on with his wife Elaine, son Jon Allen, and the rest of the LaLanne family.