Whiplash, aka Cervical Acceleration – Deceleration Injury, aka, Whiplash – Associated Disorder
A rose by any other name can still be a thorny experience for our patients, no matter what you call it.
Chiropractic care is very effective at reducing the pain, and for promoting healing, following a whiplash injury. The Whiplash Page combines primary literature sources with journal abstracts to review all aspects of whiplash injury and recovery.
The Primary Resources Section contains 3 learned articles by our most revered author Richard C. Schafer, D.C., FICC on cervical spine, joint, and soft tissue trauma. It also contains Neck Injury Guidelines, generously donated by the renowned whiplash expert Arthur C. Croft, DC, MS, MPH, FACO.
The Whiplash Articles section compiles important materials back through the 90s. There’s also a sub-section addressing the topic of Low Speed Rear End Impact Collisions (LOSRIC). This material is very useful for when an adjuster tells you that, because there was no serious damage to the vehicle, they find it hard to believe that the patient sustained an injury.
There’s a lot more info like this
in theSection
Great information like this is key to educating adjusters as well as the general public that even people involved in low-speed accidents should see their chiropractor to rule out a whiplash injuries which, if left untreated, can have ramifications for years.
Thanks for the LOSRIC stuff. I just had a case in my office where this exact thing happened. It was low impact and not a lot of damage to the car, but the patient was suffering.
This is a great resource! Thank you for adding the links! I enjoy going back through older articles and re-reading. I can always pick up something I missed or refresh the data.