Commonly Used Diagnosis Codes (ICD-9)
You may find value in this list of diagnostic codes commonly used in chiropractic offices, sorted by body regions.
This page also includes all the *new* headache codes, although cervicogenic headache still has yet to make it to the list.
NOTE: You’ll have to scroll down towards the bottom for the new headache codes.
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Great list of diagnosis codes! Although it looks like many of the new headache codes are missing on the page.
Hi Tom
They are all there, towards the bottom of the page.
My billing department thanks you!
What about the maintenance diagnosis code that you list in order to bill S8990? I can’t remember it and can’t find it. I think it’s a V code.
Maintenance Care? There is no code that I know of…in Medicare, you signify that an adjustment was Maintenance by removing the -AT (active) from the CMT code.
NOTE: Just found this on a PT site:
At the bottom they mistakenly state:
* Note: Medicare may or may NOT reimburse you for this code.
For chiropractic care, in Medicare, you signify that an adjustment was Maintenance Care by removing the -AT (active) from the CMT code.
How then will we relate these codes to ICD-10 when they come along?
Hi Dr. Carr!
Actually, ICD-10 is already here. I just didn’t have the stomach to go to endless pay-for seminars to get spoon fed, and have decided to farm out my billing to an electronic billing service.
So.. part of what I EXPECT from them is:
1. An explanation of HOW to fill in the 12 possible diagnosis boxes appropriately (meaning they are paid, just like always), and
2. A list of the new ICD codes that would coincide with what I have been using in the past.
THAT will make it worth it to me to go electronic.
Well, it’s been over a year, and I was wondering what’s come of your billing, Dr. Painter. Any new tips or advice?
Hi Peter
After TABS sent me the ICD-10 codes that “updated” the older codes I used, and I looked at what Medicare recommends (damands we use), I finally applied some gumption to chew through ICD-10, and I have updated the Commonly Used page.