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Viruses Can Survive For Centuries or Millenium

By |May 21, 2009|Prevention, Research|

Interesting and timely post on Wired Science yesterday. Virii have been found to remain virulent for centuries, and could potentially for millenium, in the frozen lakes of Siberia. This is likely due to the configuration or “anatomy” of a virus particle. You can read more of the report about a presentation made at the American Society for Microbiology meeting in Philadelphia.

Flu Pandemics May Lurk in Frozen Lakes

Is Resveratrol The Fountain of Youth?

By |March 29, 2009|Nutrition, Prevention, Research|

Although some of the e-mail I received lately regarding Resveratrol sounds like hyperbole, there is a lot of research demonstrating that resveratrol does switch on the SIR1 genes, thus extending lifespans in lower species.

Studies also show a favorable reduction in other health risks including diabetes, vascular disease, and various forms of cancer. So…the real question is…if you didn’t die (prematurely) from these “top killers”, would you live longer? Only time will tell.

Review the Nutrition Section for research supporting the use of other vitamins, minerals and herbs.