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Fibromyalgia and Chiropractic Care

By |July 26, 2009|Education, Health, Uncategorized|

Fibromyalgia and Chiropractic Care

The Chiro.Org Blog

SOURCE:   The Fibromyalgia and Chiropractic Page

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic syndrome that occurs predominantly in women and is marked by generalized pain, multiple defined tender points, fatigue, disturbed and nonrestorative sleep, and numerous other somatic complaints.

Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia

To meet the fibromyalgia criteria for medical diagnosis, patients must experience:


Early Life Infections and the Immune System

By |July 25, 2009|Education, Health, Immune Function, Immune System|

Early Life Infections and the Immune System

The Chiro.Org Blog

There is a growing body of literature suggesting that early (infant) antibiotic use (and perhaps vaccination) is associated with increased incidence of adolescent diseases like asthma, and other atopic diseases like hay fever and eczema.

The general consensus seems to be that the Immune System is strengthened by fighting early mild infections, and that surpressing them artificially, with antibiotics and certain vaccines, leaves the child more prone to atopy later in life. At least that’s what the statistics seems to point to. (more…)

Diplomate Specialties

By |July 21, 2009|Education|

Diplomate Specialties

The Chiro.Org Blog

One of the requirements for license renewal is ongoing Continuing Education classes. Some doctors prefer attending Homecomings, others prefer attending Parker seminars. The only drawback with either of these venues is that specific topical classes are very short.

The beauty of attending a diplomate program is that you submerge yourself in a specific topic over a whole weekend. It’s also like joining the National Guard, because you will invest one weekend a month for 3 years. I attended LACCs (now SCUHS) rehabilitation diplomate program between ’95-’98 here in Chicago, and I highly recommend it. Other programs are available in a variety of specialties.

You may want to review the collected

Chiropractic Diplomate and Specialty Council Websites

and you may also enjoy our

Chiropractic Rehabilitation Diplomate Information Page


Orthopedic Residents Are Incompetent To Diagnose or Manage Musculoskeletal Complaints

By |July 19, 2009|Education, Ethics|

Orthopedic Residents Are Incompetent To Diagnose or Manage Musculoskeletal Complaints

The Chiro.Org Blog

Chiro.Org Editorial Commentary:

Chiropractors pride themselves in their ability to diagnose and manage neuro-musculo-skeletal (NMS) complains. According to all the surveys, this is our bread and butter, and no one on the planet is better trained to diagnose (locate) and treat (correct) neck, low back, or peripheral joint (knee, elbow etc) complaints. But, don’t take my word for it.

Orthopedic surgeons are supposed to be the *gods* of medicine, the pinnacle of medical knowledge. First they become MDs, then rotate through a variety of specialties, and finally take residence in a highly competitive orthopedic residency program. You may want to review this interesting description of the requirements for the UCLA Orthopedic Surgery Residency Program. (more…)

How Much of Orthodox Medicine Is Evidence Based?

By |July 15, 2009|Education, Ethics|

How Much of Orthodox Medicine Is Evidence Based?

The Chiro.Org Blog

This is an interesting letter from the British Medical Journal

Scientific heavyweights deplore the NHS money wasted on unproved and disproved treatments used by practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), [1, 2] but Lewith, a CAM proponent (see previous letter), is cited elsewhere as saying that the BMJ reckons that 50% of the treatments used in general practice aren’t proved, and 5% are pretty harmful but still being used. [3] (more…)

Evidence-based Practice

By |July 1, 2009|Education, Ethics, Journals, News, Research|

Evidence-based Practice

The Chiro.Org Blog

As long as we’re on the topic of Evidence-based Practice, you’ll enjoy Anthony Rosner PhD’s article “The Shifting Sands of Evidence-based Medicine”.

Robert D. Mootz, DC, who is the Medical Director for the State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries also penned an interesting review in JMPT titled “When Evidence and Practice Collide” (FULL TEXT) that sheds a lot of light on EBM issues.
