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The Chiro.Org Blog

A Chiro.Org Editorial

Every Blog post is an announcement of new material that was just added to one of our many Sections.

I have been compiling (and archiving) peer-reviewed articles since early 1996, and to date we have thousands of Abstracts, and many hundreds of Full-Text articles on a wide variety of subjects.

When enough material, relating to a particular topic was collected,
it was gathered into a new Topical Page in one of our many Sections.

Each Topical page is located in the Section most associated with that topic.
Thus, our Attention Deficit Page is located (is a part of) our Pediatrics Section
You get the idea.

Almost ALL of our Sections contain some, or many Topical collections.
The LINKS Section is the most extreme example, because it contains 86 different topical pages.

All of the following are “active” Sections that are
constantly adding new (and important) materials:

Alternative Healing Abstracts
Case Studies
Chiropractic Assistants
Chiropractic Research
Chronic Neck Pain
Conditions That Respond Well
Cost-Effectiveness of Chiropractic
Global Burden of Disease
Headache and Chiropractic
Initial Provider/First Contact and Chiropractic
Low Back Pain and Chiropractic
Medicare Info
Non-pharmacologic Therapy and Chiropractic
The SEARCH Section
Stroke and Chiropractic
What is the Chiropractic Subluxation?
Whiplash and Chiropractic

These other Sections are “archival” in nature, and contain valuable tools:

Chiropractic History
Free Images
New DC’s
Office Forms
R.C. Schafer’s Rehab Monographs
The Wilk Antitrust Lawsuit

How Blog Posts Work

The following is a Graphic “screen grab” of a Blog Post from our Home Page.

This is a screen-shot of a frontpage Blog Post.

When you click on the TITLE (up top), it takes you to a
full-width Blog post, which contains a few more paragraphs.

If you click on the JOURNAL Link (SOURCE), that will take
you directly to the Full Text article, in the Section where it was posted.

Once you are at the Full Text article,
IF you “tap” the END button, it jumps to the bottom of that article,
where you will find a “link” back to the Topical page
from which that article was posted.

This is the easiest way to get to the “Mother Load” of materials
on the topic that you are reading about.

The more you play around, the more you will discover.
Enjoy the Topical Collection pages, wherever you find them.