New Beginnings and Happy Endings

The Chiro.Org Blog

I just have to share this story:

I recently called for insurance verification for a new patient, and the person droned on:

For medical care, deductible = 500, co-insurance 70%

I said, yeah fine, but I am a Chiropractor.

And then she said…”Oh, you’re a chiropractor!
(all breathless, like I was a Rock Star!)

for chiropractic deductible = 250, co-insurance 80%

so this is the FIRST company I’ve run across that preferentially prices things to ENCOURAGE patients to seek chiropractic care FIRST (to the extent that they can).


This is a strong indication that (some) Insurers have been reading the literature (see our Cost-Effectiveness of Chiropractic Page) and want to capture the savings associated with safe and effective chiropractic care.

Dylan was right (belatedly), because

The times, they are a changing!