Chiropractic services have been included in a spectrum of managed care programs since the early 90s. Because of their focus on cost savings, retrospective analyses are made periodically to compare the costs of management across the spectrum of providers.
The Cost-Effectiveness of Chiropractic Page contains most of these studies going back to the early 1990s. The most current study demonstrated decreases of 60.2% in hospital admissions, 59.0% less hospital days spent, 62.0% less in outpatient surgeries and procedures, and 83% less pharmaceutical costs, when patients were seen by chiropractors rather than conventional medical IPA providers. WOW! It’s hard to argue with those kinds of statistics.
You will find this page of great interest.
There’s a lot more info like this in the

And yet the push is to limit or even eliminate alternative and complimentary medicine from health care reform! What’s up with that??? $$$$$ Perhaps?
CAM has NEVER been taken seriously, although the NIH does pay lip service by providing miniscule funding for research.
Tony Rosner, PhD sums it up beautifully when he stated:
Thanks to Dr. Anthony Rosner’s wonderful sense of humor! Please review his complete presentation to the Institute of Medicine.