Chiropractic and Chronic Neck Pain
In study after study, Chiropractic demonstrates superior results in the relief of chronic neck pain compared to acupuncture or medical management.
In one recent study chiropractic scored the highest relief rating (7.33 out of 10), scoring higher than the relief provided by either nerve blocks (6.75) or opioid analgesics (6.37).
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Everyone knows that it feels better after visiting a chiropractor, but does it really have effective long term results? I wasn’t always sure about cracking your knuckles, but it’s it harmful to your joints?
Well, the Chronic Neck Pain page contains study after study that suggests that it does. Did you review them?
In particular, a recent study found that subjects with chronic neck pain not due to whiplash and without arm pain and headaches show clinically important improvements from a course of spinal manipulation or mobilization at 6, 12, and up to 104 weeks posttreatment. Does 106 weeks sound long-term enough?