These documents are some of the data files written by Dr. Joseph C. Keating, Jr. as information references for developing his many published articles and books. Readers are free to use and re-publish these files, however they must be accompanied by a notice of copyright by Joseph C. Keating, Jr., Ph.D
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About Dr Keating….
Born and raised in the Hudson River Valley, Dr. Keating took his training in clinical psychology and clinical research methods at the State University of New York at Albany, where the Ph.D. was awarded in 1981. His post-doctoral clinical residency was completed at a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialty hospital in Schenectady. Dr. Keating maintained a collaborative private practice with a urologist during 1984-86, and specialized in the conservative care of lower urinary tract dysfunctions. He practiced as a clinical psychologist in California for 16 years.
Since 1981 he has worked as a clinical researcher, faculty member, administrator and historian at several institutions, including the University of the Pacific (Department of Psychology, Behavioral Medicine Program), Palmer College of Chiropractic-West (Professor), Northwestern College of Chiropractic (where he served as Director of Research) and Western States Chiropractic College. He was Professor at Los Angeles College of Chiropractic (1994-2000), where he taught “Clinical Research Methods,” “ History of Chiropractic” and “Philosophy & Reasoning.”
He has been a member of the board of directors of the National Institute of Chiropractic Research (NICR), a non-profit corporation whose mission involves fund-raising, grant-making and the conduct of research in chiropractic. He also served on the editorial board of several peer-reviewed, scholarly periodicals, including Clinical Chiropractic, the Chiropractic Journal of Australia, Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association and the Journal of Manipulative &
Physiological Therapeutics. Dr. Keating was a former president (1994-95) of the Association for the History of Chiropractic (AHC).
He has authored several hundred professional papers and several books, including: A History of Los Angeles College of Chiropractic; a biography, B.J. of Davenport: the Early Years of Chiropractic, published by the AHC; A History of Chiropractic Education in North America (also published by AHC) and a 1992 volume concerning clinical research for practitioners, Toward a Philosophy of the Science of Chiropractic: a Primer for Clinicians. His most recent book, co-authored with Drs. Louis Sportelli and Lawrence Siordia, is: We Take Care of Our Own: NCMIC & the Story of Malpractice Insurance in Chiropractic. Dr. Keating was Homewood Professor of the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College during 1999-2002. He passed away October 14th, 2007 at the age of 57 in Kansas City, MO.
Individuals interested in the history of the chiropractic profession may want to join the non-profit Association for the History of Chiropractic (AHC). Membership is $100/year ($50/year students) and includes a newsletter and a subscription to Chiropractic History, the bi-annual scholarly journal. For more info contact: Exec. Director, 4430 8th Street, Rock Island, IL 61201 USA
Figures in the title graphic, clockwise from left:
- B.J. Palmer
- Clarence W. Weiant, DC, PhD
- A. Earl Homewood, DC, ND, LLB
- Herbert K. Lee, DC
- Joseph Janse, DC, ND