Our Staff

The Briefest History
In early 1995, in the days before the Internet became a vehicle for commerce, a few Chiropractors decided to create an Internet site where Chiropractors would work toward providing the best information and communication possible for the Chiropractic profession. What was created was this non-partisan internet site that is both “for” Chiropractors and maintained “by” Chiropractors.
From the start, everyone here has worked without thought of remuneration. This site is considered our gift to the profession. At first, all expenses were paid by donations from our unpaid workers. But when our site became popular and internet costs rose, we decided to add a few sponsors to defray the costs we were incurring. The sponsor’s ad fees defray our site expenses only.
We’re looking for ideas and help in implementing them. Please send us your ideas no matter how strange they may seem. Also, we need all the help we can get. Anything you might be willing to do would be appreciated. You don’t need to be a computer whiz to get involved – just someone who is willing to “give” without thought of “getting.” We’ll help you learn what you need to know.
Write us if you would like to help. All Chiropractors and their friends are welcome to join our projects mailing list. It is an active list detailing the progress of the volunteers. All we ask is a little participation now and then. Just go to the projects list page and follow the directions.
History of Some Projects
Our web site is sectioned into projects with Chiropractors volunteering to be responsible for the information in each section. We are always in the middle of starting new projects and increasing the size of others. Please bear with us when changes are being made. Better yet, please join us!
Here is a history of a few of our sections.
Before our Blog evolved, this was one of our most popular sections. It started out as a section focusing on political issues. It slowly evolved into an electronic newspaper-magazine. It is updated frequently and has a wealth of news and commentaries. The purely political focus of this section is now a memory.
The forms section has been with us since the beginning and continues to grow. We have forms on almost every topic. After the number of forms grew, we started working on “real time” report generators for your use. Our next step will be to have repeat visitors not have to re-enter their basic information.
One of our most popular sections, the LINKS first began by giving us access to various link categories arranged by topic, then expanded into current news, articles, and chiropractic research. It’s growth, both in size and use has been phenomenal. In 2001, its creator began developing new sections at Chiro.Org, based on some of the more popular information located in the LINKS
The images section is archived. It’s images are relatively lo-res indicative of an earlier time with low bandwidth. Some image links may still be active.
Our Journal Archive provides article summaries to journals of interest to Chiropractors. When first begun, there were full abstracts from Spine. With the changes to the Internet, we now have a page of great journal links.
This section contains articles supporting the benefits of chiropractic care for children and women during pregnancy. This section contains an in-depth section on ADD/ADHD, pediatric articles of interest, and links to the national pediatric associations.
This section contains many useful articles on issues like billing and coding, patient education, practice management, and personal growth.
The New DC section has been with us since the beginning. This page is dedicated to providing the information the new practitioner needs to begin, maintain and run a smooth, productive office. Seasoned DC’s may also find this information useful.
This section is designed to encourage Chiropractors in the field to present case studies to their colleagues. It also includes a broad collection of Case Studies from peer-reviewed journals.
This section is devoted to a full description of what is considered “complete” patient file documentation by National Associations and Third party Payers.
This is another great section that has been with us for years and continues to grow. It features abstracts pertaining to Chiropractic Practice, arranged according to topic.
This section includes research articles, abstracts, and information pertaining to the growing body of Chiropractic Research.
This section provides non-solicitous nutrition information, including articles of interest, citations regarding the benefits of various vitamins, minerals and herbals, and links to other sites of value.
This section contains information about acupuncture, meridians, ryodoraku, and a host of information relating to this ancient analysis technique.
This section contains 28 rehabilitation monographs donated to Chiro.Org by R. C. Schafer, DC, PhD, FICC, the most-published chiropractic author.
This is an extensive collection of peer-reviewed articles on alternative or complementary forms of health care.
Joseph C. Keating, Jr., Ph.D generously donated this massive archive of historical documents to the profession.
This section offers an x-ray report generator, KvP chart, and a Positioning Guide, as well as access to a variety of articles on radiography and diagnosis.